Raw & Fresh Products Are Safe

We are unaffected by the Gippsland Knackery pet mince recall.

An increasing number of customers have reached out regarding the recent recall of Beef mince from a Gippsland knackery.

This recalldoes notaffect us.

We useall Human Grade produce, which passes the same rigorous testing procedures observed for food destined for human consumption in restaurants and local markets.

All of our food sources are from high-quality providers and follow the strictest safety procedures during processing. We don't share facilities with any pet-grade supply. All produce is grown in Australia.

Our suppliers vary seasonally and we have created relationships over the last six years with the most reliable, trustworthy partners who ensure the best quality for us. Our beef and lamb are grass-fed and all of our meat produce is ethically and humanely sourced, hormone free.

Our suppliers have HACCP accreditation and our own kitchen is licensed pursuant to Part 7 of the Food Regulation 2015, Food Act 2003, and the Australia and New Zealand Food Standards Code. We also meet the Australian Standard for the Manufacturing and Marketing of Pet Food Regulations as outlined in AS 5812.

Our kangaroo source is accredited according to Section 137 of Nature Conservation (Animals) Regulation 2020. Our sources are carefully regulated for ethical and safe processing with an accreditation certificate held through the Safe Food Production Queensland HENRI system.

We routinely and voluntarily renew our compliances and submit to inspections of our facilities.

We never source any of our produce from pet-grade suppliers or knackeries. We do not use imported or mixed meat products, rendered meat or meat paste products.

Please share this information with your raw feeding friends who might be under the misconception this issue has a wider impact on responsible raw meat suppliers. We assure you that our produce is far removed from these sources. You should always ask your suppliers for these rigorous levels of human grade sources, compliance and accreditation.

What is a Knackery?

Knackeries are pet food processors that produce pet meat only, separately from meat destined for human consumption.

Some of these facilities don't require that animals even be alive when processed and thus expose themselves to pathogens that affect dead animals.

It's for this reason we always pay the additional cost for regulated meats from human grade suppliers. No exceptions.

Further Reading

Our Pet Food