Why Does My Dog Drink Less Water Since Being On A Raw Diet?

Why Does My Dog Drink Less Water Since Being On A Raw Diet?

Lots of pet owners who switch their dog to a raw food diet from dry dog food (kibble) notice immediately that their pet is drinking far less water than they used to.

They become worried. But fear not, this is normal as your pet is now just getting some of their required hydration from their new diet. A raw food diet, as opposed to kibble, has a lot higher moisture and water content then kibble. I had an interesting experience with this when I offered to care for some friend's pets one weekend. Raised on a purely kibble diet, they drank so much more water than my five large dogs put together who are fed an exclusively raw diet.

In simple terms, not only is your dog eating a healthy balanced diet, they are also hydrating themselves at the same time!